I have added a viewport class and a column container class to JX. Please read my earlier posts if you havent.
The viewport takes over the document body element. So you can have only one viewport instance in your application. If you have content in your body element the viewport will hide it. So it is unobtrusive also. Clients with no javascript will see your content. Viewport extends JX.Container so lays out its components vertically.
The column container works similar to the container in my previous post except that it lays out its components horizontally. You can set fitWidth: true to one of its components and the component width will expand to the remaining width of the parent minus its sibling widths.
You can nest the containers within each other and create complex layouts. I will create a a border layout using the viewport and column container. The border layout will resize accordingly when you resize your browser.
Here is the code to create the border layout.
I have added a new jxtype 'columncontainer' for column containers. Other jxtypes i have added are 'container' and 'component'. You need not specify jxtype if you are creating the component with 'new'. Also default is component ('div').
The viewport takes over the document body element. So you can have only one viewport instance in your application. If you have content in your body element the viewport will hide it. So it is unobtrusive also. Clients with no javascript will see your content. Viewport extends JX.Container so lays out its components vertically.
The column container works similar to the container in my previous post except that it lays out its components horizontally. You can set fitWidth: true to one of its components and the component width will expand to the remaining width of the parent minus its sibling widths.
You can nest the containers within each other and create complex layouts. I will create a a border layout using the viewport and column container. The border layout will resize accordingly when you resize your browser.
Here is the code to create the border layout.
$(document).ready(function() { var viewport = new JX.Viewport({ css: {padding: '0px', margin: '0px'}, items: [{ height: 50, css: {backgroundColor: '#aaaaaa', padding: '20px'}, text: $('#north').text(), fitWidth: true },{ jxtype: 'columncontainer', fitHeight: true, items: [{ text: $('#east').text(), width: 150, css: {backgroundColor: '#cccccc', padding: '20px'}, fitHeight: true },{ text: $('#center').text(), fitWidth: true, css: {backgroundColor: '#eeeeee', padding: '20px', overflow: 'hidden'}, fitHeight: true },{ text: $('#west').text(), width: 150, css: {backgroundColor: '#cccccc', padding: '20px'}, fitHeight: true }] },{ height: 50, css: {backgroundColor: '#aaaaaa', padding: '20px'}, text: $('#south').text(), fitWidth: true }] }); });
I have added a new jxtype 'columncontainer' for column containers. Other jxtypes i have added are 'container' and 'component'. You need not specify jxtype if you are creating the component with 'new'. Also default is component ('div').